Earn a Masters degree while creating your startup with a METI degree.

Master in Entrepreneurship, Technology & Innovation

What's Unique about METI?

METI is the first and only program in Algeria, and even Africa, that was designed to equip the students with the comprehensive skills, tools, competencies and know-how to successfully develop and run a technology startup.

As such, it’s a hybrid program that combines courses that develop the student’s entrepreneurial management skills with the technical courses in the key emerging technologies of the information economy.

Let’s take a closer look…

Course Curriculum

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Key Courses
  • Startup Opportunity Identification
  • Green Entrepreneurship
  • Startup Opportunity Development
  • Environmental & Sustainable Development
  • Project Management
  • Startup Opportunity Launch

Emerging Technologies Key Courses
  • Python Programming
  • Data Analytics & Modelling
  • Rapid Prototyping and 3D Printing
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Machine Learning
  • Statistical Design of Experiments
  • Virtual / Augmented Reality
  • Blockchain Technology & Applications

In addition to the above courses, there will be ongoing emphasis on the development of communication skills, both in English and French. Our students will also be expected to hone their soft skills, such as team work, empathy, resiliency, critical thinking/observation, conflict resolution and thought leadership.

Department Contact Info


Business Center,
Park Mall Setif, 16eme Etage
Setif, 19000 – ALGERIE


Sun – Thu 9:00 – 17:00

Social Info


FUTURIS Institute was founded by thought leaders with global expertise in entrepreneurship and innovation. In particular, the director of the Institute and co-founder, Dr. Lotfi Belkhir invented and commercialized the world’s first and fastest automatic book scanner. His company, Kirtas Technologies, started in Silicon Valley, California, was ranked twice by the American magazine Inc. 500, as one of the fasted growing companies in America in 2008 and 2009. Click below to watch some of Dr. Belkhir lectures and presentations.

Inauguration, IHE, Tunisia
Invention 2 Innovation

Dr. Belkhir Inauguration Lecture at the Institut des Hautes Etudes, Tunisia


Dr. Belkhir Sahra-tech Lecture - From Invention to Innovation: New Paradigm, New Rules

For more details on our METI program, including full list of courses, and the startup project flow, please download the brochure below.